Monday, March 4, 2013

WW II---The Seminal Event in Our Lifetime

The geopolitical and economic consequences of the allied victory cannot be overstated.

Consider these factors that can be traced to the WW II:

1. The new role of women in the workforce outside the home

2. The rapid advances in technology, esp---aviation & electronics

3. The draft and death touch many, many homes

4.  Forced white America to take first feeble steps toward integration

5. Hastened the flight from the farm to the cities

6. Changed completely the voice and tenor of popular music

7. Introduced many Americans to the larger world

8. Proved Americans could get by with less

9. Formed the foundation for the post-War building and baby boom

10. Had a major impact upon faith and trust in all religions

Tom Brokaw said it best. "The Greatest Generation"

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