Sunday, March 10, 2013


During my high school, black and white TV, days I saw a two man play that remains a part of my slowly dissolving memory bank.

Two British officers were the best of friends and were stationed together in the remotest part of the Union Jack Kingdom. Mail was the only link that kept the troops connected to the world they had left behind.

Captain Jones (made up name) received lots of letters, including letters from Captain Smith's cheating wife. This illicit affair was unknown to Captain Smith who never received any mail.

Loneliness drove Captain Smith to the edge of suicide. He succeeded in making a deal with Captain Jones to purchase---sight unseen---one of Captain Jones' letters. The letters were placed face down, and for a very large sum, Captain Smith purchased his only letter.

Captain Smith refused to let Captain Jones know the contents of the letter. Panic grew as he contemplated the bought letter was really from Smith's wife addressed to Captain Jones. Jones tried to buy it back with no luck.

As days passed these good friends became bitter enemies. All of this animosity only served to strengthen Jones' fears. What if Smith discovered his best friend was carrying on this secret affair behind his back?

Murder was the only way out. Captain Jones killed Smith and rifled through his things. He quickly found the letter and withdrew the contents. It was an advertisement for a Macintosh (British for a raincoat!!!!!)

Glenn <><

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