Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Regal Beauty

She stood in a small outdoor crowd; yet she seemed to stand alone.

There are pretty female faces, captivating female faces, beautiful female faces, and she had that ever so rare regal female face. Once viewed it demanded to remain viewed. A stranger would immediately wonder if she was in the entertainment business or maybe a professional model. 

Royalty commands obedience by dent of power and position. Her regal beauty required adoration and praise even if she was a homeless wanderer propelled by a time machine from Eden to the present. This matchless creature was indeed fresh from the DNA template of Eve.

Everything about her was a living prototype of the perfect union of style and substance. Her form was function and each function flowed into the adjoining form. 

The eyes of this Greek goddess seemed to always look light years beyond the immediate. She seemed to be searching for the perfection that matched her own.

She seldom uttered a word; regal beauty has its own silent code that uses only a smile and a slight movement of her eyes and, if needed,
a knowing nod.

Her beauty was of the kind that causes poets to dog ear their Thesaurus and causes painters to regret their casual attention in art school.  

No tattoos marred her publicly observable, evenly tanned, flawless skin. Her BMI was---what else?---textbook perfect!

A triad of generations silently saluted this regal beauty. A fifteen year boy was so overcome when he saw her he automatically put his hands together in a prayerful pose and looked heavenward in grateful thanksgiving.

The 35 year old married man of seven years continued to steal glances at this living ideal of female creative wonderment that his wife pulled on his shirt so much that he nearly fell backwards.

It was a 70 year old overweight and more than balding man who best expressed the thoughts of his senior male peers when he first saw her. He slowly bowed his head and shook it back and forth several seconds as if to say, "Where was she when I was much, much younger?"

TO BE CONTINUED..........................................


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