Saturday, September 28, 2013


By accident, I found this poem by Abraham Lincoln. (Note--The Second Half is Rough)

My Childhood Home I See Again


My childhood's home I see again, 
And sadden with the view; 
And still, as memory crowds my brain, 
There's pleasure in it too. 

O Memory! thou midway world 
'Twixt earth and paradise, 
Where things decayed and loved ones lost 
In dreamy shadows rise, 

And, freed from all that's earthly vile, 
Seem hallowed, pure, and bright, 
Like scenes in some enchanted isle 
All bathed in liquid light. 

As dusky mountains please the eye 
When twilight chases day; 
As bugle-tones that, passing by, 
In distance die away; 

As leaving some grand waterfall, 
We, lingering, list its roar-- 
So memory will hallow all 
We've known, but know no more. 

Near twenty years have passed away 
Since here I bid farewell 
To woods and fields, and scenes of play, 
And playmates loved so well. 

Where many were, but few remain 
Of old familiar things; 
But seeing them, to mind again 
The lost and absent brings. 

The friends I left that parting day, 
How changed, as time has sped! 
Young childhood grown, strong manhood gray, 
And half of all are dead. 

I hear the loved survivors tell 
How nought from death could save, 
Till every sound appears a knell, 
And every spot a grave. 

I range the fields with pensive tread, 
And pace the hollow rooms, 
And feel (companion of the dead) 
I'm living in the tombs. 


But here's an object more of dread 
Than ought the grave contains-- 
A human form with reason fled, 
While wretched life remains. 

Poor Matthew! Once of genius bright, 
A fortune-favored child-- 
Now locked for aye, in mental night, 
A haggard mad-man wild. 

Poor Matthew! I have ne'er forgot, 
When first, with maddened will, 
Yourself you maimed, your father fought, 
And mother strove to kill; 

When terror spread, and neighbors ran, 
Your dange'rous strength to bind; 
And soon, a howling crazy man 
Your limbs were fast confined. 

How then you strove and shrieked aloud, 
Your bones and sinews bared; 
And fiendish on the gazing crowd, 
With burning eye-balls glared-- 

And begged, and swore, and wept and prayed 
With maniac laught[ter?] joined-- 
How fearful were those signs displayed 
By pangs that killed thy mind! 

And when at length, tho' drear and long, 
Time smoothed thy fiercer woes, 
How plaintively thy mournful song 
Upon the still night rose. 

I've heard it oft, as if I dreamed, 
Far distant, sweet, and lone-- 
The funeral dirge, it ever seemed 
Of reason dead and gone. 

To drink it's strains, I've stole away, 
All stealthily and still, 
Ere yet the rising God of day 
Had streaked the Eastern hill. 

Air held his breath; trees, with the spell, 
Seemed sorrowing angels round, 
Whose swelling tears in dew-drops fell 
Upon the listening ground. 

But this is past; and nought remains, 
That raised thee o'er the brute. 
Thy piercing shrieks, and soothing strains, 
Are like, forever mute. 

Now fare thee well--more thou the cause, 
Than subject now of woe. 
All mental pangs, by time's kind laws, 
Hast lost the power to know. 

O death! Thou awe-inspiring prince, 
That keepst the world in fear; 
Why dost thos tear more blest ones hence, 
And leave him ling'ring here? 



                    DEWEY, CHEATUM & HOWE

                        Specializing in School Disciplinary Law


Dear Former Paris Crossing High School Student:

We solicit your assistance in collecting information about teacher/student beat downs during your days at Paris Crossing High School. The information will be part of a Class Action lawsuit we plan to file against the estates of former teachers.

Your factual description (s) of teachers using abnormal force against helpless, defenseless students would be of invaluable assistance. Be specific and give as much detail as possible.

One of your classmates produced a blurry, yellowed Kodak Brownie Hawkeye picture that shows him getting off a school bus that allegedly shows the results of a teacher beat down. The student had a patch over his left eye, a band aid covering a cut lip, his right arm was in a sling and he had a crutch under his left arm. He told an investigator from our firm that as bad as he looked he felt he was one of the lucky ones. In addition, he has suffered post-traumatic teacher beat down since age 20.  To quote Dr. B. Owens, “Losing weight and turning mighty pale.”

Information gleaned from the private diaries of former PCHS students claimed they were privately threatened with brass knucks, rubber hoses and even waterboarding.  All collected information will be shared with Nazi hunters in Israel.

Your prompt reply will move your big payout a day closer.


Ima Cheatum

Monday, September 23, 2013


In Sunday's newspaper you see an ad for the exact car you have been looking for. The car is being sold by an individual. You excitedly place a call and ask the seller several very important questions and his answers are on the top line and what he really means is on the second line.

1What he says: "It's a real classic."
   What he means: "I can't find parts for this car anywhere."

2. He says: "Only burns a little oil."
    He means: "This car smokes like a locomotive."

3. He says: "Most of the miles are just road miles."
    He means "Three Baja races and five Trans-Canada runs."

4. He says: "It has a few small dents."
    He means: "I rolled that sucker three times."

5. He says: "Like new tires."
    He means: I can see the steel belts on all tires."

6. He says: "Drives out nice."
    He means: "After 90 mph its smooth as silk."

7. He says: "Pulls a bit to the right."
    He means: "I forgot to take the dirt track tires off."

8. He says: "A/C needs some Freon."
    He means: "A/C has never worked and never will"

9. He says: "Radio is slightly scratchy."
    He means: "The second fire under the dash cooked it."

10. He says:: "Best mpg of all my cars."
      He means: "Better have 2 jobs for this guzzler."   

Glenn <><

Thursday, September 19, 2013

JAMES COVERED BRIDGE--Letter to Editor V 2.0

I sent this to Editor Mayer: Says it will be printed 

September 19, 2013

North Vernon Sun/Plain Dealer

Letters to the Editor:

Please add my voice to the growing chorus of local residents who are lamenting the damage done to the James Covered Bridge.

I am within an easy layup of 72 years of age.  And that old bridge continues to serve as the lynch pin of my memories of growing up within a few miles of this irreplaceable structure. The bridge was a landmark for relatives who came to visit us. Shelter was often sought in the bridge when rain interrupted our fishing in Graham Creek. Countless times my father would honk the car horn while travelling through the bridge. It also served as a public museum of carved initials.

Call me maudlin, nostalgic, or even worse; but damage to that bridge vicariously hurts me. It is especially distressing to see the bridge damaged so soon after major renovation.

Hopefully, matters of conscience and/or the law , have identified the person or persons responsible for damaging the bridge and restitution started.

Long after I cross River Jordon and enter that city not made by human hands, I pray the James Covered Bridge will still be standing and helping to create memories for generations still unborn.


Glenn <><

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

OH NO!!!!!!!!!

The recently rehabilitated James Covered Bridge incurred significant damage on Saturday when it was reportedly struck by a tractor and a loaded grain truck trying to cross it.

"This is heartbreaking," said Shawn Over of the Jennings County Highway Department. "After all that hard work and with so many people watching the progress of the bridge's renovation, this is tough to take. The James Covered Bridge looked great until then."

The damage is to the right side of the west entrance of the 140-foot long wooden span in Lovett Township. One of the beams inside the bridge was also cracked. (Photo & article from North Vernon Sun)

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Regular readers of my Blog will testify I have an ardent, profound, and highly partial love affair with the state of Oklahoma. After the events of this morning I am taking a hard and reflective re-examination of my touting the virtues of this state.
Here's why: 

In our neighborhood there are 6-8 banana trees, about 7 feet tall, growing in a man's yard. I stopped this morning to take a photo for my brother in Indiana. Just as I was about the click the shutter I heard "Hee-Hee-Hee -He" It was the unmistakable sound of the Tanzanian Low Land GO-rilla. (I've watch a lot of National Geographic's) Around the south side of the trees came a creature with long reddish brown hair. I could not make out any facial features. It was walking upright.

I hop in my old minivan and rush to the nearest convenience store to report my survival escape and to ask the owner to call the police.

The owner calmly asked how long I had lived in our community. I told him about 20 years. He said. "There ain't no GO-rillas here." I think he heard my sigh of relief.

He went on to say, "Every now and again you'll see a wild O-Rang-A- tang." That didn't help me one bit. I now was convinced that the creature I saw was a wild O-Rang-A-tang.

I got one of the guys that just hangs around this store to ride with me back to the banana trees. We found the home owner watering the trees. I retold my story and he started to laugh.

"That GO-rilla sound was me trying to start an old 150cc off road bike. The sound you heard was me beating on the head cylinder." I asked, "What was that reddish brown long haired creature?"

Through his almost uncontrolled laughter he said, "THAT GO-rilla was my wife's no account son Travis who came home from college to do his laundry!"

     (Hopefully, you see this is a fictional account. The banana trees are true.)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013



1.       It is safe to buy canned food if the can is

a.       Several years out of date

b.      Bloated on both ends

c.       Rusted on the rim of the can

d.      All of the above

2.       At the family reunion it is safe to eat

a.       Aunt Ruth’s potato salad left out in the sun

b.      Uncle Henry’s 3 year old BBQ

c.       Grandma’s fly-blown cream cheese cake

d.      All of the above

3.        You go with Mom to buy fruit at a roadside stand

a.       Completely black bananas are OK

b.      Half of a watermelon covered with burlap is OK

c.       Tomatoes that have turned gray are fine

d.      All of the above


"I Get Around too Much Anymore"

Don't Get Around Much Anymore


Duke Ellington, B.B. King

Missed the Saturday dance,
heard they crowded the floor
It's awfully different without you,
don't get around much anymoreThought I visit the club,
got as far as the door
I just couldn't bear without you,
I don't get around much anymore
Darling I guess, my mind is more at ease
but nevertheless, why stir up memories
Been invited on a date,
I might have gone, but what for
I just couldn't bear it without you,
I don't get around much anymore
Don't get around much anymore
by Duke Ellington / Bob Russell

Saturday, September 7, 2013


       iPOD    iPHONE    iPAD   iTunes


Tuesday, September 3, 2013



A PCHS student was in Mr. Franklin's geometry class and prepared a spit wad that he described  as  about the size of a golf ball.

Mr. Franklin had his back to the class and was writing on the blackboard when the juicy projectile was launched toward the blackboard.

The mega wad missed Mr. Franklin and struck the board near his hand. He slowly turned around and said, "It is a good thing that missed me. I am sure it will not happen again."

The student was surprised at his calm reaction. That ended the wad making career of the now embarrassed student.

I take the student's story at face value.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


What's the difference between jail and prison?

Think short-term and long-term.

Jails are most often run by sheriffs and/or local governments and are designed to hold individuals awaiting trial or a serving short sentences (in Florida, inmates serving 364 days or less serve their time in jail).

Prisons are operated by state governments and the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and are designed to hold individuals convicted of crimes.

Jails operate work release programs, boot camps, and other specialized services. They try to address educational needs, substance abuse needs, and vocational needs while managing inmate behavior. Inmate idleness contributes to management problems.

State prison systems operate halfway houses, work release centers and community restitution centers - all considered medium or minimum custody. Inmates assigned to such facilities are usually reaching the end of their sentences.
(From Broward Co. Sheriff's Office Web site)


1. Thank you for continuing to read the Blog. We are now over 6500 hits since the Blog started!

2. One former PCHS student shared a story with me concerning a high speed police pursuit. I do not think any purpose would be served by including the details. (Glad you lived to tell about it!)

3. Another reader expressed some critical remarks about the contents of the Blog. I have learned a few things in almost 72 years---Throw a rock over a wall and the dog that yelps first is the one that got hit! 

4. One former PCHS student shared a story about the mother of  all spit wads. While the story cannot be corroborated by other sources, it has several details that appear to be true, and as a result, will be the subject of a separate Post. Where else on the Internet can you find stories about spit wads???? 

5 Finally, I welcome all e-mails at from Blog readers.