Sunday, September 1, 2013


1. Thank you for continuing to read the Blog. We are now over 6500 hits since the Blog started!

2. One former PCHS student shared a story with me concerning a high speed police pursuit. I do not think any purpose would be served by including the details. (Glad you lived to tell about it!)

3. Another reader expressed some critical remarks about the contents of the Blog. I have learned a few things in almost 72 years---Throw a rock over a wall and the dog that yelps first is the one that got hit! 

4. One former PCHS student shared a story about the mother of  all spit wads. While the story cannot be corroborated by other sources, it has several details that appear to be true, and as a result, will be the subject of a separate Post. Where else on the Internet can you find stories about spit wads???? 

5 Finally, I welcome all e-mails at from Blog readers.  

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