Thursday, September 19, 2013

JAMES COVERED BRIDGE--Letter to Editor V 2.0

I sent this to Editor Mayer: Says it will be printed 

September 19, 2013

North Vernon Sun/Plain Dealer

Letters to the Editor:

Please add my voice to the growing chorus of local residents who are lamenting the damage done to the James Covered Bridge.

I am within an easy layup of 72 years of age.  And that old bridge continues to serve as the lynch pin of my memories of growing up within a few miles of this irreplaceable structure. The bridge was a landmark for relatives who came to visit us. Shelter was often sought in the bridge when rain interrupted our fishing in Graham Creek. Countless times my father would honk the car horn while travelling through the bridge. It also served as a public museum of carved initials.

Call me maudlin, nostalgic, or even worse; but damage to that bridge vicariously hurts me. It is especially distressing to see the bridge damaged so soon after major renovation.

Hopefully, matters of conscience and/or the law , have identified the person or persons responsible for damaging the bridge and restitution started.

Long after I cross River Jordon and enter that city not made by human hands, I pray the James Covered Bridge will still be standing and helping to create memories for generations still unborn.


Glenn <><

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