Sunday, March 2, 2014


Please read Parts 1,2, and 3 before reading this Post

Only those who believe in the Divine Providence of a thrice Holy God or those who kept the novels of Charles Dickens near their bedside, appreciate the hardly believable events that were about to unfold in the lives of Susan and Mark.

Mark was scheduled to be the featured speaker at the National Church Growth Conference in LA. All of the platform personalities for the conference were staying at the Weston Regency on Wilshire Blvd. The conference paid all of their expenses.

The day before the conference was to begin, Mark had a late afternoon sandwich and took the elevator to the entrance of the upscale shops connected to the hotel. He planned a short walk before reviewing his sermon notes for tomorrow.

Just as he came to the entrance to Saks Fifth Avenue he bumped into a woman wearing sunglasses and she had a Saks shopping bag in each hand. 

Mark apologized for the collision and the woman removed her sunglasses and for a few seconds Mark and Susan stood speechless. What do you say after five years?

Both spoke at once and asked the same question, "What are you doing here?"

"Suzie Mac (Mark's pet name for Susan) you look great! Really great."

"Mark, I'm her in LA for a screen test tomorrow. It could be my ticket to the silver screen. What about you?"

"I am here for the National Church Growth Conference which starts tomorrow in a church near here."

Again each spoke at the same time with the same question? "Are you married?" 

Susan replied, "No."

Mark echoed the negative.

"Say Suzie Mac, how about having dinner with me


"Mark, I can't. I'm having dinner with my agent to review the schedule for tomorrow. What say you join us at 8pm?"

Mark replied, "Suzie Mac, you have a date. I'll be in the lobby waiting for you."

This chance encounter, if it was chance, had an immediate effect on Mark. He felt ten feet tall and all of the good times with Susan came flooding back.

Mark offered verbal thanks to the Lord as he showered and shaved. All of the insurmountable issues that caused their separation did not seem to matter tonight. He was going to have dinner with the only girl he ever loved. 

At 7:30 pm Mark sank into one of the overstuffed, leather covered easy chairs in the hotel lobby. He tried to look through the current newspapers from LA, San Francisco, and New York. He turned the sheets of newsprint without reading anything but the cut lines below some of the photos. His mind was on Suzie Mac.  

Prompt as always, Susan and her agent came into the lobby exactly at 8 pm. She was wearing the always stylish LBD, with a diamond necklace.

Mark struggled to free himself from the grasp of the large chair and stood with his gaze centered on Susan. (She is as beautiful as I remember her thought Mark)

Susan spoke first, "Mark, this is Charlie Newton my manger and, as of this afternoon, my fiancee. Charlie, this a long time friend, a very good friend,

Mark Robertson

Mark was dumbfounded. He bravely shook Charlie's hand and knew it was useless to speak at that moment. He nodded as Charlie said, "Mark, I am happy to meet you."

Susan turned her ring so Mark could admire it. "While I was shopping in Saks, Charlie was picking out this gorgeous engagement diamond at Tiffany's. I knew Charlie was serious about me, but this ring is unreal. What a surprise?"

The diamond was so big it looked like a joke ring a junior high boy would buy at a novelty store---the ring that shoots a stream of water in an unsuspecting admirer's face . Mark's annual compensation package at his church had just recently been raised to 84k. That mammoth piece of former coal probably cost three or four times that much. Susan and Charlie were definitely in the financial big leagues.

Mark somehow regained some semblance of composure and said, "I hope you both will be happy. I will not be able to dine with you; I have last minute points to incorporate into my sermon."

Mark shook Charlie's hand and gave Susan a politically correct peck on the cheek and headed for the elevator door. (Dear God in Heaven, please do not let me cry or collapse on the floor.) God answered Mark's silent request.   

As Mark prepared to step into the elevator, he turned and saw Susan and Charlie walking out of the front door, holding hands.

It took three attempts for Mark to get the magnetic card strip key to open the door to 1407. He swiftly walked to his bed and fell on his knees, "God, please let me know why I am required to carry this burden of total love for Susan." Now the tears came.

Mark washed his face and dried it. He walked to the sliding windows and opened them and stepped out onto the small wrought iron porch that was attached to each room.

He looked down and saw the continuously busy traffic of honking, sometimes speeding cars. Perhaps all of them were happy. He was very sad.

At 11:45 pm Susan called Mark's phone and there was no answer. Same at 12 am and same at 12:15 am.

Part 5 ----The Conclusion----will be released soon

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