Wednesday, March 5, 2014

THE MINISTER AND THE MODEL---Part 5 (Conclusion)

Please read Parts 1,2,3, and 4 before reading this Post.

Mark was not in his room when Susan called because his afternoon light sandwich did not hold him through the night. He went to the Night Hawk Diner for a midnight snack and missed her call.

The following evening when he returned from the conference he was given a note by the desk clerk.
It read:

        My Dear Mark,

        I called you at midnight last night to
        let you know I returned Charlie's ring
       at dinner. He was more in love with the money 
      a movie star would make and less in love with me.

        Also, the screen test was less than                                                       overwhelming. The double out was

        too much for Charlie---he flew back to
        Chicago alone--- and looking for work.
        Hope your speech went well.

        Love always,

        Suzie Mac

        PS: Please call me @ 555-555-5555.

              I would like to come back to LA
              very soon to keep that dinner date
              you invited me to. In addition I
              have some questions about the
              expectations of a minister's wife.

Mark tossed the note into the air and yelled,
 "Praise the Lord!!" and everyone in the lobby
looked at him. Under his breath he prayed,"Thank you Lord for making me afraid of heights!"

The next day he called Susan and urged her to
come the very next weekend. She said, "I'll be

In addition, he told her he had been asked at the conference by the President of Pacific World Outreach University to prayerfully consider joining his staff as the Director of Church Growth Research and to coach the university baseball team.

                         THE END

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