Friday, February 6, 2015


                        DESSERT IN THE DESERT

The horrific, barbaric, and sub-human burning alive of a captured Jordanian pilot brings into sharp focus the need to treat these ISIS murderers as mad dogs. A mad dog cannot be reformed, retrained, or even restrained to a particular part of a yard. It must, for the sake of all, be quickly destroyed.   

Our laser guided munitions have neither degraded nor discouraged beheadings, suicide bombings and other unspeakable acts against humanity. In my view, what is needed is a massive, coordinated, and sustained, use of older style weapons. This inventory of weapons would include, but not limited to, anti-personnel cluster bombs. Napalm, and 500- pound general purpose bombs of destruction. For dessert in the desert, how about employing the M.O.A. B. (Mother Of All Bombs). This non-nuclear monster will secure the attention of active and wannabe terrorists in a very, very large area.

Yes, currently held prisoners will probably be executed. However, there is no guarantee that they will survive regardless of allied inaction. These mad dogs must be destroyed and very, very soon. Time is running out!  


Glenn  <><


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