Sunday, December 6, 2015



After much experimenting and beta trials, I am now announcing one of the greatest sleep discoveries of all time!

BACKGROUND: My dear wife of 53 years is in constant pain and must stay in bed most of the time. She sleeps a lot during the day and insists on watching TV in our bedroom when I go to bed at night. The sound I can handle; however, the changing light levels on the TV screen create a real problem for me. Enter the old fashion sleep mask at the top of the photo. There is nothing new here.

MAJOR DISCOVERY: I wear the full sleep mask when I go to sleep at night. Hang on boys and girls! During the day when I feel a need to catch a nap in my recliner, I use the single eye patch at the bottom of the photo. This discovery permits me to keep one eye open to be ever ready to take care of the three grand kids we are raising. Also, this permits me to readily respond to the many needs of my bed fast wife. Why this was not thought of before I can only quote Cousin Eddy, "Go figure!"

Because many of the readers of this Blog are old friends, I have turned down the late night TV infomercial contract. There is no premium on a good night's sleep or a good afternoon nap!!!! "Say goodnight Gracie." "Good night Gracie."

I ask that you refrain from e-mailing thanks or personal testimonies. Chances are I will be asleep!!!!!!  ZZZZZZZZZZZ!

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday

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