Friday, December 25, 2015


                           HOW MUCH IS LOVE WORTH ?

                 New info at end of this Post

(NOTE: I cannot say if this story is real or not. Here it is as I understand it.)

Seems this man, his wife and granddaughter were in Wal-Mart prior to Christmas. The wife and granddaughter were in the Wal-Mart beauty shop and the man did some quick grocery shopping. As it is here and elsewhere, Wal-Mart was packed. He fought the crowds and put the food in the car. He returned to find the granddaughter was through with her appointment and his wife still in the chair.

Here is where it gets a bit scary. The man who is a borderline diabetic started sweating and shaking and knew he needed something sweet. He sent the granddaughter back into the store to pick up a couple of candy bars. When she returned he quickly ate a bar of candy and the granddaughter ate the other one. Within minutes he was trending normal.

His wife completed her appointment and joined her husband and granddaughter. The husband tried to quickly tell the story of his close call and how the granddaughter saved the day by buying two candy bars. Without asking any details or if he was feeling better she snapped, “Why didn’t you buy me one?” Maybe love is only worth the price of a candy bar!

NEW: Today I was informed a second event like the one above happened. The gent mentioned their granddaughter once more got a candy bar for a shaky grandpa. Rather than inquire about his well fair she blurted out, "Where did you get a candy bar? There is no candy in the house! He explained she got the bar at a convenience store. Sounds like this couple doesn't need Dr. Phil. They need Judge Judy!

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