Monday, January 18, 2016


  ------------- ADDED NEW INFO------------


What follows is something I sent to the Shawnee News-Star Letters to the Editor. I feel very strongly about each American having the right to speak their mind. Also, I am very surprised at the stance taken by the publisher. This Letter to the Editor is a tongue-in-cheek attempt to maybe save his job. I think he had a bad day or stayed up too late watching WWE! No self-respecting newspaper person would ever deny the ordinary Joe a right to speak. Even if this never sees ink, he will be shown my letter by the editor.

                     I ADMIT IT!  I TOOK THE BAIT!

OK! OK! I admit it! I was fooled! Publisher ****'s January 14th column "Leave political commentary to the experts"  caused me not only to rise to it, I responded to it by adding this comment to the internet version of his column:

"Hold on there Pilgrim!" The professionals have led us to the brink of destruction. Somewhere I remember something about "WE THE PEOPLE." I recall a Flower Power VW mini-bus that passed me in 1968 with a bumper sticker that said "MY VOTE CANCELS YOUR VOTE!" In America every vote counts; every American counts; and every opinion counts! Remember---Joe the Plumber had a right to speak his mind. 

All weekend I kept asking myself why would a bright, young newspaper publisher whose principles and pocketbook depend upon Freedom of Speech write such a column? Was it to hasten his departure from Shawnee? Not very likely in view of his concern for our community. Was it an attempt to stifle  Letters to the Editor? No! He knows next to Obituaries the Opinion pages are close behind in readership. What then was the motivation?

Sunday afternoon it finally hit me. The column was a ruse. A canard. A false flag. A very skillful think piece to awaken the public to their rights and responsibilities to become more---not less---involved in the political process.

Publisher ****, you fooled me! A big salute and a tip of the cap for reminding us what a wonderful country we live in. 

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday

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