Friday, January 15, 2016


Like most residents of Jennings County, Indiana in the 1950's my knowledge of royalty was limited to the Country entertainer "The Duke of Paducah" and Queen Elizabeth II who took the coronation oath  in 1953. A girl in the 4th grade at Lovett Grade School kept a scrapbook of this historic event.

Later, Grace Kelly and Lady Diana gave all Americans another glimpse into the royal society.
Prince William and Prince Harry showed us the human side of British Royalty

Recently discovered stone tablets reveal that only Jennings County in Southern Indiana had a thriving Royal society. This discovery is not mentioned in any history books because of Americans aversion to Royal rule. King George III learned that the hard way.

The tablets are still being decoded. However, enough has been achieved to reveal some of the personages of the Royal family. Here is what we now know::

Baroness of Butlerville---Very beautiful but given to unusual behavior.

Viscount of Vernon---Spent most of his idle hours cat fishing, gathering mushrooms, and staging mock battles.

Countess of Commiskey---May have developed the first B&B in North America.

Princess of Paris Crossing---Strong advocate for education and liked long haired guitar players.

Prince of Paris---Filled with ambition and sought to make his area the capitol of the Kingdom.

Lady Lovett---Played the field, married, but never found her true love.

Lord Lovett---His goals and horizons too big for Lady Lovett. Married, but never found his true love

Maid Marion---Thought to have been distant relative of Bonnie Parker ---Her 3 sons were Boyz of the Hood!

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday

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