Thursday, March 8, 2018

Roy and Joni (Chapter 12)

Please Read Previous Chapters First (Especially Chapter 10 & 11)

Sometimes eyes and touch are all the words that need be spoken. Roy and Joni clutched both their hands tightly together. Their eyes reflected the different types of pain---Joni for reliving the nightmare and Roy because of his hurt for Joni and his explosive anger toward Larry.

Roy broke his clasp of Joni’s hands to take a quick sip of root beer, “I am absolutely shocked that Larry would do that to you. That is not the Larry I’ve known for several years. But I know you are telling me the truth. Joni, I don’t think less of you; but I sure think a lot less of Larry.”

Roy stopped talking, took another long sip of his root beer, and restarted, “Joni, your story about the horrible time with Larry made me very, very mad, at Larry that is. I sensed in your voice and eyes it was difficult for you to revisit that painful part of your life. You may have felt like it scrapped the scab off of your emotional wound. I wonder how many couples with such a limited knowledge of each other could do what you did. “

“Thanks Roy, I sure needed to hear that from you.”

Roy sought to refocus Joni’s pain and his anger back to their date by shifting to a brief statement about his life.

“Joni,“Your courage inspires me to say some things about relationships in my life. Want to hear them?”

“Sure,” as she wiped her eyes with the “Drink Coca Cola napkin.

“As I told you, and you probably guessed, I am something of an amateur kisser. Is kisser really a word? I played Spin the Bottle at a birthday party when I was 16. One of the girls wanted me to stay with her in the hallway after our mandatory kiss was complete. I walked pretty fast back into the living room. Why are you smiling?

“I am smiling because of your innocence and open air honesty, that’s all.”

“If you thought that account was humorous, get a load of this.”

“My Senior Prom date was like somebody in the movies with a split personality. At school, on the way to the Prom, and while we were at the Prom, she was mild mannered and soft-spoken. Because the gravel road to her house was at the bottom of her front yard, we actually parked within maybe a hundred feet of her front door; however, because of the up and down landscape of her front yard, a car parked in front of her house could not be seen from the first floor of her house. When I turned the car off, she came at me like a tiger set free. She proceeded to put her hands on each side of my face and literally pull my head to her lips. She started kissing me like a long-lost rich uncle with a suitcase of money to save the family farm.”

“Roy, what happened next?”

“I finally broke her grasp on my head and got out of the car and walked her to the door and kissed her on the cheek, quickly said good night and drove home. How many seniors get home from their Senior Prom at 11:30pm? You are talking to one right now.”

Joni sought to lighten the conversation by saying, “You will probably hate me forever for this; but, I have to ask you a question. OK?”

“Go right ahead.”

Joni started to smile, then laugh, then laugh some more and finally with a straight face asked Roy, “Do you believe 7-Up is green?”

“Of course not!”

Before Roy continued, the full meaning of Joni’s question hit him head-on and at full speed. His face became very red and his cheeks felt like they did when he had the mumps.

Joni bowed her head and felt a shame that nearly produced tears. “Roy, I’m so, so sorry. Will you please, please forgive me?”

“Joni, I am just a plain vanilla country boy that has not had much experience with girls. You told me the truth about your painful experience with Larry and I told you the truth about my limited, maybe not so exciting, experience with girls.”

“Roy, what I said was mean and out of place. I would take it all back if I could. Are we still friends?”

“Joni, I would like to be more than just a friend. As a matter of fact, I am proud of my so-so dating track record,” referring again to his lack of experience with girls.

“Roy, I like you all the more because of it. What I’d give to have your record.”

“You really would?”

“Absolutely, cross my heart and hope to die if I’m lying.”

“I forgive you—sure—I forgive you. We need to start home.”

“OK, let’s go my very, very special friend,” as she firmly placed her arm under the elbow angle of the Roy’s arm.   

                                        To be continued…….

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