Monday, March 12, 2018

Roy and Joni (Chapter 13)


Please Read Previous Chapters First (Especially Chapters 10, 11, &12

                Sharing a common stressful event serves to strengthen the bond between the participants. Not much was said on the way to Joni’s house. As the car stopped, Roy said, “Miss Joni, I sure would like to see you again next Friday night.”

               Joni immediately, with a joyful voice replied, “I’ll be ready and waiting Mr. Roy.”

               The good night kiss at the door was filled with an extra measure of tenderness and understanding. Their prolonged hug said what words and even kisses could not utter. The hug is the most underrated expression of human love. Roy and Joni both appreciated it---a whole lot.

               Driving home, Roy started thinking about his relationship with Larry. Should he stop talking to him? If Larry asked about Joni should he lie? What was the Christian way to handle this?

               On Saturday, Roy and his Dad had an extra-heavy duty amount of farm work that had to be done. After showering that late afternoon and eating his mother’s blue ribbon winning chicken and noodles he lay on his bed thinking of Joni and how he would respond to Larry. Just before the last sprinkle of sand from the man carrying a sack of it, he felt the best answer would be to see how Larry would approach him. Roy said a quick “Thank You Lord” for the answer and he feel asleep remembering a girl named Joni.

                The next morning, Roy rode with his family to church. Between the Sunday School and worship service, Larry placed an arm around Roy and asked in a low manly voice, “How was the date with Joni?”

                “Larry, it was great. Joni is a very special young woman.”

                “I agree Roy. I dated her for a while. Did you know that?”

                “Yes, she mentioned that."

                "What did she tell you about me?”

                Thankfully, the music for worship service started and Roy and Larry found their regular seats toward the back. After the morning worship, Larry suggested to Roy that they catch a sandwich and talk some more. Roy said, “No can do, Mom is cooking a big lunch and it is an all hands, make that mouths, on deck.”

                “One quick question Roy; are you going to go out with her again?”

                “Larry, yes sir: Same time, same girl and same station next Friday night.”

                 Roy left a somewhat puzzled Larry standing at the edge of the church parking lot.
                                                    To Be Continued…..

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