Thursday, March 15, 2018

Roy and Joni (Chapter 14)

                                       Please read previous chapters first

Love can do strange things to a man. It can inspire ordinary men to do extraordinary feats. Roy, not known for poetry, book reports or FFA essays wrote the following Sunday afternoon after he came home from church:

                                            Captivating Beauty
                             (Written for Joni after our first date)

Her incomparable beauty redirected swarms of honey bees toward her

Forget ‘launching a thousand ships, her smile caused ten times that many to remain in port in  hopes of just getting a glimpse of her smile

Sun flowers preferred her radiance rather than timeless old Sol

Zephyrs and wisps serve as anointed messengers of her alluring scent

Teenage boys ceased dreaming of homers and touchdowns and wondered if she had any head-turning sisters at home

The faltering eyes of old men rapidly flipped old calendars when she passed

Moms worried their sons would think of her as an angel that fell from heaven

Her hypnotic beautiful essence made dictionaries and thesauruses obsolete

Greeks never met her yet fashioned her perfectly in smooth Aegean marble

Bible scholars reexamined re-incarnation when they saw her---Eve alive again

To see her arresting summation of all things perfect brought a serene peace

She was indeed the model of all things profoundly heart-stopping in the flesh

Some women start fights, her beauty sheathed the swords of all combatants

                                     ---An Unapologetic Smitten Roy Wilson

He read and re-read his poem about Joni. He said out loud, "Did I really write that?"

Now, he had to figure out the time and place to give it to the most wonderful woman in all of the world.

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