Monday, March 19, 2018

Roy and Joni (Chapter 15)

                                              (Please previous chapters first)


While Roy’s Sunday was filled with poetry, Larry’s was filled with panic.


“I wonder what Joni may have told Roy about our motel saga?”


Larry soon started to rationalize in high gear: “That was some time ago---I was young and foolish—I was letting hormones rule my brain---Besides she initially agreed to do it---I had already paid for the motel room---Joni is messed up because of the wild life of her crazy mother---Any boy would get mad if a girl changed her mind at the last minute---Maybe she didn’t tell Roy all of the details---Maybe I am just letting my mind get out of control---After all, I did sorta tell her I was sorry, sorta. I did call her and read Roy’s “Love at first sight letter.””


It is strange how the mind works. Larry suddenly decided he needed to take a Sunday afternoon nap, only his parents did stuff like that. When he awoke, he stopped making excuses and started to think of how to make his guilt and shame go away. This not knowing was driving him nuts.


“I guess  I could just tell Roy the whole story.Or maybe I should just nibble around the edges and stop when Roy has heard enough. Maybe I shouldn’t mention it unless Roy brings it up.”


Meanwhile, back on the Wilson farm, Roy had the strongest of desires to just hold Joni and he also wanted to have his friend Larry do some confessing.


Roy went to Sunday evening services with his family per normal; however, Larry did not come. Roy had no way of knowing that at the start of Sunday night worship, Larry was on the telephone talking to Joni.


                               To be continued…….

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