Monday, February 27, 2012


This is a long Post and you may want to share with friends and family. (How's that for uncontrolled vanity!)

Case in point:  Our credit union advertised for weeks that because of the success of the credit union in 2011, a special gift would be given to the first 500 members who were in line New Years Eve. The gifts were to be awarded at midnight.
Like so many others, I braved a cold blowing rain and was in line at 6:17pm. In fact, I was 7th in line. Speculation was rampant as to what the gift might be. A Gold Coin?  A Trip to Disney  World? Season Tickets to OU Football games? Maybe a year’s worth of free gas? A laptop computer? The longer we were in line the bigger the gifts became. One WAG, who recently had his 1989 Olds REPOed by the credit union, was sure we were all to be given new cars (ala Oprah).
The speculation and merriment stopped around 8:30pm. Several members couldn’t take it any longer and went home. We had to call 911 REACT Emergency to haul off to the ER about 25 members who had not dressed properly and were suffering acute hypothermia. As members dropped out of line, all behind them cheered as they moved up.
Earlier smiles turned to tightly pressed lips in an effort to control chattering teeth. Even though I am a Southern Baptist , I couldn’t help but to start dancing in a vain attempt to keep warm. Some thought I was a Native American doing a stop raining dance!
At 10pm, all talk of gifts had ceased. Survival was now a contest of wills. Some members standing near me tore unused deposit slips from their credit union checkbook and hastily penned make shift Wills. A few started repeating the Lord’s Prayer and the 23rd Psalm. Some broke out into singing “Amazing Grace.” The un-churched members sang a medley of CW songs: “I got friends in low places,” “The night the bottle let me down,” and “Okie from Muskogee.” The mixture of off tune religious and CW hits sounded a lot like hogs who just lost their gender!
I looked at my Casio so many times I was certain it was broken. Some members began to confess sin and unlawful behavior to total strangers. The long line which stretched down the sidewalk from the credit union and disappeared after making a sharp right turn, became suddenly silent as the credit union manager arrived in his new Lexus and hastily entered the building and turned on the lights. It was now 11:47pm.
Almost immediately, a Wells Fargo armored truck pulled up and parked at the rear entrance of the credit union and started unloading its contents. The prophecy of Gold Coins was beginning to look better all the time.
Just when you thought this cold, weird night was about over, things quickly picked up speed but lost altitude! An unscheduled Bud delivery truck slowed to see what was going on. He was on his way to an all night convenience store—Bad Mistake!
The frightened driver was pulled from his truck and the door keys quickly pilfered from his pocket. The back door was raised as if by magic and many, many suitcases of beer disappeared. I saw a group of card carrying, Medicare users who were old, blue haired widows chugging beer for the very first time. Tee- totalers tossed morality aside in favor of surviving. The popping of pull tabs resembled a pond full of bull frogs all with COPD!
Out of nowhere six black and whites, sirens blaring, wig wag lights dancing, slid to a controlled stop. It reminded me of the Lucky Lee Lott Dare Devil drivers in the 1950’s. They exited with 9mm’s drawn. Silence returned and the Bud driver completed a report but could not ID any of the thieves. He went on his way to the all night convenience store.
One officer got on his PA and ordered everyone to disperse. No way! We had spent several hours trying to stay alive and big prizes were just around the corner. Many beer cans pelted the police cars. Most of the can throwers had never been in trouble with the law but merely wanted to get arrested just to get into the back seat of a warm cruiser.
I looked again at my $16 Wal-Mart watch and saw it was 11:58pm. The line had shrunk and now seemed to compress like a new Slinky. Members were directed to march past the drive-in window to get our prizes. I was now third in line.
There are jokes; silly jokes; bad jokes; practical jokes and even cruel jokes.  What happened next was off the joke seismograph. The first two members were speechless as they were greeted by the manager and given a can of black-eyed peas! I saw what was going down and yelled as loud as I could that the prize was a can of black-eyed peas! One obvious high  school dropout just behind me yelled, “This ain’t no credit union; it’s a discredit union. We’ve been “dissed”! The chant started low and slow: “Discredit, Discredit, Discredit.”
The police could see this unruly crowd was just 17 seconds from becoming a dangerous mob. Several warning shots were fired into the air and more sirens in the distance could be heard approaching the credit union. The manager was forced to seek safety in the Wells Fargo truck which fortunately had remained at the credit union. The members ran in all directions. The police cars formed a safety escort for the truck.
On my way to my car I met a little old lady from the nearby low rent apartment complex pushing a rusty, squeaky shopping cart. I asked her where she was going so late. She said, “This is a dream come true; there must be 500 empty beer cans just waiting for me to pick up. Gosh, I’ll have enough money to pay next month’s rent.” A sharp pang of guilt nearly decked me. I was there for greed, she there for need.
As we parted, she said in a cheery and grateful voice, “Happy New Year mister and God BlessYou.” My frozen face and half frozen heart could only reply “Same to you”. I guess I left my handkerchief in the car.
Note: Black-eyed peas, cornbread, and mustard greens are a tradional Oklahoma New Years Dinner. The credit union did pass out the cans about Christmas time. Everything else in this Post is a product of my imagination and is pure fiction. Sure hope you liked it.
Glenn C. Peck

Thursday, February 23, 2012

"CAN WE TALK?' --Strength for the Journey

I am sometimes asked, "How are you able to sit by the bedside of a dying person, console families, and conduct funeral services?" I estimate that I have conducted about 250 funeral services in my 31 years of ordained Christian ministry So far in the first 2 months of 2012, I have conducted 4 services. One was for a very, very close friend.

Like the Apostle Paul, "...I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.." The question that follows is how I be strengthened by Christ?

WE WUZ ROBBED!! But what did you expect?

This happened our senior year. Even in our naive innocence we learned that things do not always turn out as you expect !

An old friend of Mr. Harris came to PCHS, I think without any advance warning, to put on a one-man show for the students.

After coughing up 20 cents, we went to the gym and we sat with anxious anticipation for the show to begin. Would we see a magic act? Would he pull a rabbit out of a hat?

The fellow looked older than Mr. Harris, and that is saying something. Was he one of the last relics of Vaudeville? Would he do a soft shoe dance routine while playing Swanee River on a harmonica? 

Ed Sullivan often featured a gent who did hand shadows of famous people on a screen. Perhaps this unusual act was in store for the entertainment starved youth of PCHS.

Our questions were soon answered when he began to quote poetry from Indiana's own James Whitcome Riley. The only poem I remember was the immortal--"When the frost is on the pumpkin."
Credit where it is due: His voice and diction reflected hours of practice. I suspect he was a retired Literature teacher and this was a quick way to turn a buck. Maybe Mr. Harris owed him something.

It is hard to project your own  disappointment upon others. Yet, as I looked around, it appeared to me and others, their facial expressions seemed to reflect a collective mirror that seemed to say--"We wuz robbed!" 

Perhaps part of my skepticism at age 17 remains. Did this fellow and Mr. Harris split the take?

Saturday, February 18, 2012


1. From about the fifth grade to about the eighth grade I had a dime size planters wart on my right hand. It is probably a real miracle I didn't get an infection or blood poisoning by my amateur attempts to cut it out with a pocket knife and the family scissors. Without warning, the wart started to shrink and the remains just fell off. 

2. For several years my brother had a least 25 warts on both hands. My mother tried medicine, folk cures to no success. I cannot explain how I came upon this cure. Without our Mom's knowledge,  I poured an entire jug of Clorox into a bucket and talked my brother to soak his hand for about 2 minutes in the Clorox. His hands were snow white for a couple of days. But within ten days all of warts were gone! 

3. In the eighth grade I was reaching behind my desk and pulling on Steve Gilley's pants leg. He grew tired of it and had a very sharp pencil and jammed one of my fingers.  I still carry in my right hand the lead that broke off in my finger ! 

This way is off the purpose of the Blog. However, it is part of my school days.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


It'll Be Here Soon !!!!!

Rock n Roll With A Very Personal Perspective !

I Was There When It Happened And I Guess I Ought To Know!   ----Country Gospel Song in Early 1950's

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


One of my relatives who was known to frequent the Wagon Wheel Inn told me the following story:

My relative shared this in the first person. I must assume he saw the following events:

One evening, about dark, he attempted to enter the Wagon Wheel Inn and was stopped by a shot gun wielding employee who was sitting on the roof with the shot gun in his lap.  

He bravely announced, "There has been a stabbing inside and the sheriff has been called and there ain't nobody going in or going out!"

This was all my relative needed. He turned around and drove away.

I do not think I every went there again.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Just a little off the main purpose of the Blog

However, it reminds us of our future. It is easy to point out all of the problems the younger generation experience. Let's not forget, there are a bunch of kids that are on the right track. Hope I live long enough to see these young folks step to the front.

Letter was printed in the Shawnee News-Star

(For the record my grand children were in the audience with me.)

June 26, 2011

Letter to the Editor,

Six thumbs up (grandpa and two grandchildren) for the delightful, refreshing, and inspiring performance of Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factor, Jr at the Shawnee Little Theater this past weekend. 

The players ranged in age from kindergarten to an 11th grader. The costumes, sets, lighting, sound, musical numbers, complete with choreography, were “Broadway Grade.”

The production was the culmination of a three week camp in drama and stage production. The high energy and obvious skillful preparation resulted in a continuous crowd pleasing performance.

Especially heartwarming was the participation of several sibling performing teams. The smiles on parents and grandparents registered real pride and satisfaction with their “DNA Darlings!”

Shawnee is blessed to have the Little Theater, a large cadre of volunteers and performers of all ages who bring much needed enjoyment in today’s challenging world.

BRAVO to all!
Glenn C. Peck, 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


One school day a classmate and an  underclassman and yours truly decided to spend our school day playing pinball at a hamburger joint. The food was fair but the big attraction was a pinball machine that "paid off": Games won could be sold back to the owner for a nickle a game. I made a grand total of $.80 that day.

This "den of iniquity" was on Hwy 7 and if driving north it was between Walnut Ridge and the Grayford road. It was called the Wagon Wheel Inn.  A similar name was given to a place on Hwy 50 before you hit Buttlerville.  I think it may have burned.

Every time the door opened I was sure it was our one person truant officer: The infamous Mary Ketchem! She had a Dodge--think it was a 1947. I also believe it was green--not real sure.

This was my one and only day of skipping school. I was a nervous wreck when I got back home.

The Wagon Wheel was converted into a church building long after we graduated! God can change everything to His purpose.

Monday, February 6, 2012


OK! This a bait and switch Post Title!

My favorite winter time star consellations are Orion and Canis Major (Big Dog) I spent countless hours exploring these beautiful stars in high school. (Psalm 19:1 is a great verse to discribe God's creative power.)

Each cloudless winter night finds me looking with awe and wonder at these two very special constellations.

It is getting very hard to find no-light polluted skies. After I get to Heaven I hope to see these stars from the other side!

Saturday, February 4, 2012





This will make more sense if you read Cold War Humor #1 first.

Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin, and brutal Soviet killer of 30 million of his own people died in March 1953. TV news was just coming of age and there was great competition among the networks to get as close as possible to his body. A comic had this skit and it may be a bit sick for some.

"This is John Cameron Swayze bringing you exclusive coverage of the thousands of Russians lined up to view Stalin's body. I am just outside the fortified wall that shields Red Square. This is as close as I can get."

"Good evening. This is Lowell Thomas bringing you exclusive coverage of the death and after mat of Stalin's passing. I am just inside the Red Square wall, about 200 yards from where the butcher of the ages lies in State."

"(Very low and determined speaking voice.) This is Edward R. Murrow inside the casket."   

After all these years, I still think the act was funny !

Again, I ask, why in the world do I remember such nonsense?? 
My brother, and my wife have often accused me of being trapped in the 1950's. Maybe I am. This was the Golden Era, WWII was only a decade old, the world was very concerned about nuclear war, and Rock n Roll was born, jobs were assumed and assured, and TV was making a big. big impact.  I am a few days away from launching my outline of the music of our time. It will be something I have wanted to do for a long, long time. 

Please let our other classmates know of this Blog. 

Friday, February 3, 2012



1. The Cold War was very dangerous during our high school days. Upfront Note: The Cold War with the Soviet Union was hot, very hot. In another post, I will provide some insights you may not know.

2. Lots of variety TV shows---Milton Berle, Red Skeleton, Show of Shows, Ed Sullivan, and a ton more. (I would give anything for my grand kids to see the talent I saw.) Today SITCOMs are King.

Stand up comics in our high school days were trying to make the Cold War not so serious.

Dinah Shore had a very good show. (Dinah seemed to radiate energy and joy.)Some comic took her theme song. "See the USA in your Chevrolet."  The comic said Russia had their own version: The singer was Dinahusi Shoreski: "See the USSR in your armored car"

I cannot explain how or why I remember such trivia. Today, I cannot remember a three item grocery list!