Saturday, February 18, 2012


1. From about the fifth grade to about the eighth grade I had a dime size planters wart on my right hand. It is probably a real miracle I didn't get an infection or blood poisoning by my amateur attempts to cut it out with a pocket knife and the family scissors. Without warning, the wart started to shrink and the remains just fell off. 

2. For several years my brother had a least 25 warts on both hands. My mother tried medicine, folk cures to no success. I cannot explain how I came upon this cure. Without our Mom's knowledge,  I poured an entire jug of Clorox into a bucket and talked my brother to soak his hand for about 2 minutes in the Clorox. His hands were snow white for a couple of days. But within ten days all of warts were gone! 

3. In the eighth grade I was reaching behind my desk and pulling on Steve Gilley's pants leg. He grew tired of it and had a very sharp pencil and jammed one of my fingers.  I still carry in my right hand the lead that broke off in my finger ! 

This way is off the purpose of the Blog. However, it is part of my school days.

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