Tuesday, February 7, 2012


One school day a classmate and an  underclassman and yours truly decided to spend our school day playing pinball at a hamburger joint. The food was fair but the big attraction was a pinball machine that "paid off": Games won could be sold back to the owner for a nickle a game. I made a grand total of $.80 that day.

This "den of iniquity" was on Hwy 7 and if driving north it was between Walnut Ridge and the Grayford road. It was called the Wagon Wheel Inn.  A similar name was given to a place on Hwy 50 before you hit Buttlerville.  I think it may have burned.

Every time the door opened I was sure it was our one person truant officer: The infamous Mary Ketchem! She had a Dodge--think it was a 1947. I also believe it was green--not real sure.

This was my one and only day of skipping school. I was a nervous wreck when I got back home.

The Wagon Wheel was converted into a church building long after we graduated! God can change everything to His purpose.

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