Saturday, February 11, 2012


Just a little off the main purpose of the Blog

However, it reminds us of our future. It is easy to point out all of the problems the younger generation experience. Let's not forget, there are a bunch of kids that are on the right track. Hope I live long enough to see these young folks step to the front.

Letter was printed in the Shawnee News-Star

(For the record my grand children were in the audience with me.)

June 26, 2011

Letter to the Editor,

Six thumbs up (grandpa and two grandchildren) for the delightful, refreshing, and inspiring performance of Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factor, Jr at the Shawnee Little Theater this past weekend. 

The players ranged in age from kindergarten to an 11th grader. The costumes, sets, lighting, sound, musical numbers, complete with choreography, were “Broadway Grade.”

The production was the culmination of a three week camp in drama and stage production. The high energy and obvious skillful preparation resulted in a continuous crowd pleasing performance.

Especially heartwarming was the participation of several sibling performing teams. The smiles on parents and grandparents registered real pride and satisfaction with their “DNA Darlings!”

Shawnee is blessed to have the Little Theater, a large cadre of volunteers and performers of all ages who bring much needed enjoyment in today’s challenging world.

BRAVO to all!
Glenn C. Peck, 

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