Thursday, March 29, 2012


There are hundreds of books and thousands of Internet sites that chronicle the history of Rock 'N Roll. My Posts will deal with the subject from a PCHS student's perspective. The Class of 1959 experienced the birth and the Golden 1955-1959 years.  As I have remarked before: "I was there when it happened and I guess I oughta know."

This introduction starts in a plain, unpainted,cinder block hamburger joint in McKinney, KY. The only teen hangout in McKinney was owned by a second cousin (Dad's side) and a first cousin (Mom's side) was one of his best customers. My first cousin provided this account of what happened when Bill Haley's "Rock Around The Clock" 45RPM was placed on the nickle a play Juke Box. 

By the second day, the record was no longer intelligible! The groves were worn smooth. This is a real example of the impact of a single song upon the youth of America. Rock 'N Roll was born (Most music historians agree with my assertion.) Alan Freed an East Coast DJ, coined the term "Rock 'N Roll." (More about Freed in later Posts)

I heard the song a couple of times on the radio before attending a 4-H Youth Camp in Versailles, IN. The night time recreation was dancing (if you can call it that) to Bill Haley's "Rock Around The Clock." The song was electric, exciting and seemed to say how we felt but could never tell anyone, especially, our parents. 

In addition to the mesmerizing impact of the song, I was smitten by a pretty, very, very pretty girl from a North Vernon 4-H Club. She had a heart-melting smile, dark brown eyes that seemed to twinkle when she winked, and an inviting low voice that resonated on my heart strings. She had the grace and charm every 14 year old boy dreamed about. Did I mention she was several years ahead of her female peers in physical development? Hollywood can put a glow around the leading lady. For one magical week,I saw the glow around her!

After camp was over, we exchanged a few letters and both of us turned Life's page and continued our road to adulthood.

 The next part of the Introduction will answer the question: "Why did Rock 'N Roll burst upon the American scene during our PCHS days?"

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