Thursday, September 27, 2012


I ran across these and thought you might want to use them next time the "So Poor" stories start:

"I was once so poor I didn't know where my next husband was coming from."

                                   ----Mae West

"I started out with nothing and I 've still got most of it."
                                    ----Groucho Marx

"I was so poor, the lady next door gave birth to me."
                                     ----Lee Trevino

"I never had a penny to my name; so I changed my name."

"I was kidnapped by the mafia and they cut off my right hand little finger and included it with a ransom note to my folks. My father sent back a note that said, "I demand more proof!"

                                      ----Rodney Dangerfield

"My family was so poor that Blues song writers used to come to our house when they experienced writer's block."
                                       ----Otis Lee Crenshaw 

"We lived in such a poor neighborhood our paper boy had his younger brother ride shot gun with him."

"We lived so far back in the sticks we could not pick up the Grand Old Opera on our battery radio until Tuesday night." 

We were so poor on Saturday night we drew straws to see who got to used the Number 2 Wash Tube bath water first."

            ----Glenn C. Peck (Vanity still haunts me!)

TOTALLY UNRELATED: I ask that you help me increase the number of people reading the Blog. My long absence has all but stopped regular visits to the Blog. I'm alive and well and want to keep at this, IF there are enough readers.

Here's a possible way to help: Email not only our classmates, other former PCHS students, and friends and family with the link to the Blog.

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