Tuesday, September 18, 2012


This Post is to remind all of us that no one is above or beyond temptation. It also says we have a spiritual obligation to pray for people living in THE GREY BAR HOTEL (Prison).

TV and the movies often get the violence in prisons very close to the real world. What is absent is the smell, the cat calls, screams, and even crying. Also not shown are the few precious photos prisoners have of their family. For some the photos are all that keeps them going. The homemade tattoos catch your eye: Some are for gangs, others for remembering dead friends and family members, some even attempt to tell a prisoner's life story.  It is not known how many get serious skin infections from this Jail House Tattoo Parlor. 

Known Child Abusers are held down and given a facial tattoo that lets others know of his past. Many never live out a year. Prisoner's are very proud of their kids. Children are but a few things that still has value to the prisoners.

Also not shown on TV and the movies is the GED and other in house education programs that fills time and helps get some ready for release. Most first time criminals do not have a high school diploma. Each prison (State & Federal) has a very large law library. Those permitted to use the library probably would make a good lawyer. Mostly they study the appeals and parole process and even prepare draft briefs for their lawyers.

I must also mention that chaplains play a key role in the lives of many who are locked up. The chaplains are very, very special ministers. In the lock up many find Christ and try to help others do the same. They are swimming up streams because the gangs have such strong appeal.

Hopefully, the readers of this Post have never been incarcerated or have family members beyond bars.

Sadly, I currently have four church members behind bars. It is my firm belief that IF Jesus could return without notice he would go the prisons first!

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