Thursday, February 7, 2013




                             Lisa and Barry “Lucky” Day


Barry Day was not born on third base: But he was born somewhere between second and third. His father was the vice-president of the Felderburg National Bank and his mother was the daughter of the bank president.

Young Barry lived an easy and comfortable life. New sports car at age 16; captain of his state champion football team; and steady boyfriend of Lisa Wilson, the most beautiful cheerleader in school and a great candidate for the most beautiful girl in town. She was an 11 on the ubiquitous 10 scale.

 In spite of Barry’s much above average financial status, he never forgot he was very fortunate to enjoy the blessings of his birth.  Weather permitting; he would jog to and from school. He was the first to arrive for football practice and the last to leave. Teammates and coaches held his motivational leadership in high esteem. His six foot two inch frame reflected proper diet, lots of outdoor time, and abstinence from tobacco and alcohol. His light brown hair was cut in a close flat top style. Some of the girls privately said he looked like a modern day Tab Hunter. Everything about Barry seemed to reflect self-confidence, yet real humility.

He knew he was very lucky in this Midwestern town of 18, 673 people. Many of the residents were from German ancestry. In fact, Barry was called “Lucky” Day in high school and he openly enjoyed the nickname. Lisa knew she was lucky to date the BMOC. Lisa could have competed in beauty contests with her All-American face and “head turning” figure; however, she had her sights set on a much more important prize. Interestingly, Lisa secretly wanted their relationship to go further and faster that Barry seemed prepared to go.

After graduation, Barry and Lisa attended a small local liberal arts college. Lisa was planning on her MRS degree with Barry. Barry was studying banking and finance. He made a perfect 4.0 for four years.

Between Barry’s sophomore and junior year he joined the Air Force ROTC. His motivation was to travel and prove his worth on his own. He wanted to someday travel to Germany and visit Europe.

During his AFROTC basic training at Reece AFB in west Texas he was spotted as a natural leader and easily won the Commandant’s trophy for the most outstanding cadet at this demanding officer basic training. Barry once more lived up to his “Lucky” nickname.

Following college graduation, Barry was commissioned a second lieutenant and the following week he and Lisa were married in the largest wedding in the modern history of Felderburg. The 800 plus attendees brought so many gifts two pickup trucks were required to transport them to his mother and father’s six bedroom home three miles east of Felderburg.

The newlyweds honeymooned in Hawaii for ten blissful and heavenly days. In addition to lying on the beach, body surfing, skin diving, flying to other islands, shopping (Lisa really enjoyed the shopping) and sleeping until 11am each morning, the happy pair enjoyed breakfast in the Honeymoon Suite heart-shaped bed. The colorful meals always include large spears of pineapple; served on trays containing fresh orchids. Lisa repeatedly thought how lucky she was and she would often refer to herself as Mrs. “Lucky” Day.

Back on the reality of the mainland they had 20 days to prepare for their first duty assignment at the flat, super cold in the winter, Minot Air Force Base in Minot, North Dakota. Only Shemya Air Force Base in Alaska enjoyed a colder, more desolate reputation among service members.

As they entered Minot, they saw a large sign that probably had been erected by the Chamber of Commerce that asked, “Why Not Minot?” Some disgruntled citizen had spray painted below the business attracting question, “Freezin’ Is The Reason!” The Days would learn the temperatures would dip to 35 below zero during the winter.

WATCH FOR PART 2----TO BE RELEASED IN ABOUT A WEEK ..............................

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