Thursday, February 14, 2013


1. Barry Day was originally imagined to be a rich city cousin of Bubba and Junior. The boys were to visit Barry with all sort of resulting mayhem during the visit . As you have seen, Bubba and Junior never made the story because it quickly developed in another direction. My writing is "Like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get."

2. I have been on all of the military bases mentioned in the story. (Plus a couple of dozen more). Each one has a wealth of experiences that make an endless source of characters and plots. Shemya might require multiple volumes! 

3. Unintentionally, the end of the story has many possible interpretations. I hit upon the ending as something of a surprise Dickensesque finale. After writing and rewriting, I discovered there could easily be all sorts of hidden meaning.  Here's a few:

    a. Barry truly learned to forgive Lisa and wished her well.

    b. Barry was still in love with Lisa and wanted to rekindle the fire. 
    c. Barry saw this as an opportunity to get even by giving her the opportunity to fail on the loan. He could then repo the double-wide. She had "repoed" her love from him many years ago.

    d. Barry wanted to make a statement that he was again on top and she missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime.

While I ended the story with no thought of continuing it, I can now see that the door is slightly ajar for additional writing using these same characters. As of this point in time, I have no plans to continue the story.   

Writing serves as therapy for me. I am grateful to readers of this Blog and their continued encouragement!

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