Thursday, February 28, 2013

You Might Be Over 70 IF....................

You Might Be Over 70 IF................

1. Grocery bagger insists on helping you with your cart (on your way in)

2.  You get fighting mad when "Meals on Wheels" is late

3.  Goodwill makes delivery stops to your home

4.  "Help, I Fallen and Can't Get Up" is your new motto

5.  Teenage drivers give you one-half of the Victory sign

6.  Wal-Mart asks if you would like to be a Greeter

7.  Nine-month pregnant women stand to give you their seat

8.  You automatically get the Senior Discount

9.  Pre-schoolers open doors for you without prompting

10. Your doctor strongly urges you not to buy green bananas

                                                       Glenn <><  2013

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