Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Song of a Summer Night

Venus and a growing crescent Moon silently sink in the west
On a seldom used road two lovers walk slowly in the new dark
His left arm upon her shoulders; her right arm rests on his back
A gentle squeeze from each communicates more than words

Nature displays its finest sights, sounds, and delightful smells
The lightning bugs in a field of hay flash code to their mates
A blue green meteor leaves a momentary trail of white smoke
Cassiopeia sits regally upon her "W" shaped sky throne

Crickets provide a continuous reassuring clicking melody
Whippoorwills come in on cue to give the song an alto lift
Frogs in a nearby pond boldly sing the repeating bass parts
Far away a  seldom seen owl echoes the refrain in time

The fragrance of new mowed hay calms the stressed mind
Honeysuckle is without peer in delighting all the senses
A parallel creek emits smoke from a camp fire for boys
The aroma of a recent rain unites humanity with the earth

The young lovers are oblivious to summer night songs
Sight has narrowed to the flesh and blood next to them
They hear only the feelings within their bedazzled minds
Her Christmas perfume and his Dad's cologne fill the air

Nature smiles at their love song and Nature plays on

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