Friday, June 7, 2013

We Should Have Seen It Coming !

This Post Represents My Opinions:

We ignored the warning signs. We should have seen the unprecedented continued assault upon our Constitution many years ago.

What dots did we fail to connect?

The teaching of Western Civilization in our high schools and university has all but evaporated. Thankfully, both of our Shawnee universities still teach the essential elements of this neglected subject.

What is Western Civilization? Dr. Larry Arns, President of Hillsdale College, summarizes it well when he says it is the confluence of two streams: one flowing from Jerusalem and one from Athens.

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob was removed from our public school many years ago. Prayer is gone; the Ten Commandments are gone; religious symbols and holidays are almost gone; and ethics and morality are considered old fashioned and no longer necessary in this post-God world. And that is just the tip of the problem.

The stream from Jerusalem has been permitted to evaporate like a shallow Oklahoma pond in August. There is an awesome description in the Bible that describes this situation very well:  "Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph." 

The stream from Athens contained the themes of representative government, government of laws, principals of liberty and justice, safeguards against dictators, public education, and many other concepts that are the very fabric of our Constitution. Our Founders drank long and deep from this stream of liberty, opportunity, individual freedom and accountability.

The serial dams of political correctness, diversity, and multiculturalism have diverted the stream from Athens into so many rivulets the streams are now shallow and superficial.

The diagnosis is easy; the cure is very hard. It requires an unprecedented, long-term, national grassroots determination to elect officials at all levels who have both the will and courage to reverse course and dredge out both streams back to their source. 


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