Monday, August 11, 2014


Today I received a phone call from a classmate informing me that another one of our classmates had crossed River Jordan.

All such calls are saddening to me. While I deal with death and sorrow very frequently, the notification of the death of classmates is especially distressful.

It is hard to spend 12, or even 4 years, growing up with someone without mourning their passing.  It was in those years we were not only learning to read, add and subtract, we were learning how to live in our own bodies and how to be a productive citizen in our great country. 

Our search for answers really never ended when the tassel was moved. Life is a life long school with an ultimate graduation. Heaven awaits those who have received a loving Savior named Jesus. 

Our departed classmate will be remembered as a vibrant, yes, opinionated, caring, intelligent person. She loved her family and lived a life of real meaning and purpose. I consider myself fortunate to have known her for those wonderful formative years. She made me a better student and a better person. I'll never forget her.

May a Thrice Holy God help her family to trace the rainbow of His love through their tears.

Dear Friend You Will Be Missed But Never Forgotten. R.I.P.

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday

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