Thursday, July 21, 2016


Image result for photos of the james covered bridge in indiana

This is yet another Post about a place that will forever be a living part of my heart. Mary Ann and her brother Bobby were the main reasons this bridge still exists. I did a small part by writing a letter to the North Vernon newspaper and encouraging both of them.

I once jokingly told a fishing friend that I was considering cremation and having my ashes sprinkled in the Graham Creek---this would permit the fish a chance to get even!!

Most of the readers of this Post are familiar with Melville's Moby Dick. Less well known are the offspring of this Denizen of the deep. During my adolescence, one direct DNA descendant of this white whale that "is big as an island and you will smell land when there is no land" swam freely in the peaceful waters of Graham Creek. Few have seen the behemoth that my cousins and I named "TIGO." Many have hooked the monster only to reel in a straightened hook or broken line! Broken lines and broken hearts are his trademarks! Yours truly has had a couple of reels smoke and start to melt before the line mercifully snapped. 

 Here is where you need to get out your tin foil hat: Fertilizer and Herbicide run off from the fields on the banks of the Graham Creek have created mutated piscatorial monsters that have infected most of the fresh water streams and lakes in the "Land of the free and the Home of the brave!" 

Forget about Big Foot and the Yeti; be on the lookout for the kinfolks of TIGO!  Never permit small children or uninsured old people to fish alone! 

Graham Owen is a World Class nature and fly fishing photography (visit his site ) and see). I recently shared with Graham that Graham Creek holds a unique and special place in my heart.

Perhaps I have previously shared General Douglas Mac Arthur's last comments to the cadets at West Point when he said that his last thoughts as death approaches will be of "The Corps, the Corps, the Corps."

I cannot say what my last conscious thoughts might be. I can say with absolute accuracy that my mind and heart shall forever remember with those magical Camelot-like days I spent on the Graham Creek with my brother, cousins, and friends. Every kid in America should be as blessed. ,

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterdy


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