Monday, July 18, 2016

"Them Old 'Ventions!"

1956 Democrat Convention
I was very fortunate to grow up in a home that was concerned about International and National events. We subscribed to the Louisville Courier Journal that was delivered by mail. On Sunday's, Dad would stop at the equivalent of a convenience store and purchase a Sunday edition of the Journal and in a pinch the Indianapolis Star. We also subscribed to the weekly North Vernon Plain Dealer and occasionally I could find a copy of the Grit newspaper.

Even before we had a TV, the "News" on the radio was a time to be quiet and listen. With TV we watched the nightly 15 minute broadcast of the NBC News with John Cameron Swazi. (A popular rumor of that time was he never wore the same tie twice!)

The 1956 political conventions marked the first time we could see the wall-to-wall coverage of the highly spirited conventions in our own home! The hats, the signs,  paid marching bands and  nominating speeches all made for high drama for a share cropper family. As a high school sophomore, I was just as much into the conventions as my folks. My brother, who is five years younger than me, did not share the passion of Mom, Dad, and yours truly in watching this American spectacle. In fact, he referred to the conventions as "them old 'ventions." He missed his normal children's programing.

It is now 2016 and "them old 'ventions" are back on TV again. The drama and excitement of the earlier conventions has long since become part of the dusty archives in New York City. However, the process, though already determined, reminds us that America is truly an exceptional nation. (Sorry about that Mr. Obama!)

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday

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