Sunday, July 10, 2016


The first symptom of love in a young man is timidity; in a girl boldness.
                                               ---Victor Hugo

Thank the Lord I discovered this before I died !!! Many of my Posts about dating during my teenage years could easily be summed up by this one statement. If I was the president of this great nation, I would require the above quote to be chiseled in stone on every high school and college in our land.

Tons of tears and angst could be avoided if this truism was well known. Maybe it is not too late to teach my grandkids this profound statement. Whether they will listen or heed this advice is uncertain; however, I will have the extreme, awesome, unbelievable, life-altering, pass the Moon Pies and open me another RC satisfaction of knowing I tried! None of us can change the past; but we can, and must, do everything possible to make the future better.

WOW! I feel like a kid at Christmas!

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday

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