Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Caught In The Middle

During our senior year at an evening school function, a female classmate, who I had the most incredible feelings for, came to me and said an underclassman female, "Wants to be with you!" 

What was I to do? Say "No" and try to express my affection for the messenger or should I go talk to the underclassman who sought my company.   

I was then, and remained convinced now, the messenger was not attempting to derail my feelings for her and send me to an alternate girl. Rather, she was simply conveying a message from a girl who sought a go between.

Sometimes things happen that do not permit a time out to reason out a response. Out of courtesy to the messenger, I went and talked to the underclassman. We had a few dates, even a couple after I went to Purdue, but we decided to go our separate ways.

Some readers of this Post will question the truthfulness of this account. Some will say, "Who cares?" I am within days of my 70th birthday and realize the chilly waters of Jordan are closer now than ever before. As a result, I simply want to give an account of events that remain part of my shrinking data base. I have no ax to grind. Just to report how I remember those wonderful days of passage to adulthood. Readers may question the content, but not my motivation. It is real.

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