Tuesday, October 18, 2011

R-E-S-P-E-C-T: The Class of 1959

Today, I reached the biblical three score and ten birthday. This Blog and this birthday have created  a greater appreciation for classmates who helped shape and mold my early life

Admittedly, I am an unrepentant sentimentalist. My shortcomings notwithstanding, I have sought to find a single word to describe our class. "Friendly", "Funny", or "Zany", and others, did not make the final cut. The word I selected is RESPECT.   (The late Rodney Dangerfield---a really funny guy---- never got any respect!)

We had respect for each other in spite of differences in income, athletic ability, academic achievement, and many other differences.

Respect is like humility----you don't have to tell people you have it.

Today, gang members kill each other if they even suspect you don't have respect for them. The Class of 1959 had many imperfections but lack of respect was not one of them.

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