Wednesday, October 5, 2011

STEVE JOBS 1955-2011--An Incredible Life

Steve Jobs of Apple Computers, in my view,has changed the cultural, business, political, entertainment, communications, educational and environmental world more than any other person born in our lifetime.

Consider this: During our lifetime we have seen the space age and computer revolution. Many made this happen, but Steve Jobs was the catalyst, at least in the computer world. iPods, iMacs, iPhones, and iPads came from his creative mind and business ability.

Computer Geeks contend Bill Gates of Microsoft stole the Graphics User Interface from Jobs and used it to create the Windows operating system. Maybe he did and maybe he didn't; nonetheless, Steve Jobs will be remembered in history long after Bill Gates becomes a technological footnote.

Interesting Fact: My wife bought me a TI handheld calculator in 1966 that could only add, subtract, multiply, and divide---it cost $65. The iPhone has more computing power than the early American astronauts had on the Mercury and Gemini spacecraft!!!!

Steve Jobs, R.I.P. and thanks!!!!!!!

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