Friday, September 11, 2015

9/11 Fourteen Years Later

                      9/11  FOURTEEN YEARS LATER

Written securely on our collective memory is that fateful day when terror came from the skies. Each of us can recall where we were that day. My wife and I were with a church family who had a member undergoing surgery at a Norman, OK hospital. The waiting room mushroomed as the second plane hit. Doctors, nurses, cleaning staff, etc were trying to get in to see this horrible event unfold.

Later we would learn that good friends here in Shawnee held tickets to visit the twin towers the very next day. They were in the Statue of Liberty when the planes hit.  

A former church staff member volunteered for the Navy within a few days of 9/11. He started Seal training but had to withdraw because of a medical condition. I later performed his wedding ceremony a few years later.

My wife gave her large Teddy Bear collection to help the children who lost parents in the event.

We visited Washington D.C. a few months after 9/11 and saw the large tarps that covered the large hole in the side of the Pentagon. As a retired GI this was a moving experience for me.

I am amazed how quickly some Americans have forgotten who did this horrible destruction to us. I will not forget !!

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