Sunday, September 13, 2015


Venus Seen Through Telescope 

Want to see something very beautiful? About an hour before sunrise, look to the SE and there is the planet Venus. With the naked eye it will appear as a very, very bright star. On September 20 it will be as bright as it ever gets. Because Venus is a planet that is closer to the sun than the earth and as such exhibits phases much like our moon. A good pair of binoculars and a very steady hand will show those phases. A small telescope is even better.

Get up a bit early and check it out.

Also, this monthly star map is very informative.

Glenn <><
Just West Of Yesterday

1 comment:

  1. I am very thankful my parents indulged my interest in astronomy and amateur radio. My teenage years was an every day science project. I am very, very fortunate. Over the years my interest in. these two hobbies has deepened and hopefully I have pointed others to follow their dreams. Most of mine have come true. Some are still to be realized.
