Sunday, October 12, 2014

HOW BAD CAN IT GET ????? (True Story)

I know a fellow here in OK that seems to be surrounded with Bad Luck. Consider:

*Shortly after he was married, his wife's son took their car and they were on the hoof.

*When they got their car back her son was sentenced to the Joint for an outstanding warrant.

*My friend's new wife was speeding and was arrested because she had two outstanding warrants in another state. My friend knew nothing of his wife's checkered past.

* She spent two years in the Joint in another state.

*In an effort to get away from her bad son they moved about sixty miles away.

*After they moved, the jobs they were promised fell through.

*When I last saw him they had moved back because they had pawned all they had and had no money and no place to stay.

*Here's where this sad story gets as sad as it can get for an Oklahoman----He had to pawn his saddle and has no money to redeem it.

*He has a good spirit and says, "We are starting over with nothing!!!!!"

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday

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