Saturday, July 9, 2011

Echoes From Our EITHER/OR World


All will agree we now live in a multiple choice world. Nothing illustrates this better than the 398,929  soft drink combinations that are available at the SONIC Drive-In. (Note: SONIC Drive-In started here in Shawnee, OK. We have five SONICs here.)

This Post is illustrative, key word--illustrative, of the narrow options we had during our Coming of Age experience. I will be doing future Posts on some of our Either/Or options.

1. Favorite Singing Cowboy:   Roy Rogers or Gene Autry 

2. Favorite Tractor:   Farm All or John Deere

3. Favorite College Basketball Team:   IU or UK

4. Favorite World Series Team:  Dodgers or Yankees

5. Favorite Ice Cream: Vanilla or Chocolate

6. Favorite Car: Ford or Chevy

7. Favorite Rock and Roll Singer:  Elvis or Pat

8. Favorite Newspaper: Louisville Courier Journal or Indy Star

9. Favorite TV Network:  NBC or CBS

10. Political Party Preference:  Democrat or Republican

Our lives today are busy, complicated and full of choices. It is easy, and sometimes tempting, to lapse back into what we now perceive as a simpler and slower era where our choices were few. We quickly learned as adults that life was not a simple matter between Right or Wrong choices, but between Good and Better choices.

Serious issues that we seldom considered in high school (health, retirement, wills and powers of attorney, gifts for grand kids/great grand kids, death of family members, spiritual matters, our own mortality, the meaning and purpose of life, and a host of others) fill our consciousness and daily choices. Thankfully, as a Believer in Christ, we do not make these decisions alone! 

On a less serious note, can you remember when "You" were the TV remote and channel changer? That would really be a tough chore today---I get over 250 channels on the satellite!

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