Wednesday, July 20, 2011


There was a popular movie some years ago--My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys.   Classmate George Webster has always been one of my heroes.

I am not sure what year it was that George's Dad started blasting away in solid rock to clear enough space for a garage and gas station on the corner of Highways 3 and 250.

The school windows would rattle and it reminded me of the loud booms from the Jefferson County Proving Grounds which rattled our windows at home. For whatever reason the project was halted and George's Dad remained at his old location in Paris Crossing.

Many of my classmates quickly departed from Jennings County immediately after graduation. I went to Purdue University and on to a 20 year USAF career. But George went to work with his Dad. On my rare leaves from the USAF I would go by and see George, because I knew he would be found faithful in helping his Dad in the garage.

Even after leaving the USAF, I went by and George had resumed the operation of the garage after his Dad's death and failed operation of the garage by a new owner.

George and wife Sue told me stories of how they were the unofficial "old folks" for some younger people who liked to snow mobile in Michigan. George and Sue rode right along with the group.

George never left home, but made his life count where it mattered most---Helping his Dad and friends. My life has had lots moving. We have been at our current location for almost 20 years.My son has accused me of running away from Indiana and failing to help my family. That accusation hurts because it is not true. George could never be accused of that.

George, my quiet, faithful friend I salute you and you are one of my heroes!

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