Setting all modesty aside, I was an above average student at PCHS. One particular male classmate made a habit of looking on my test paper before marking on his paper. One day the opportunity came to embarrass this habitual cheater.
Our government teacher, Mr. Boller, announced that the next day we would be graded on verbal answers to his questions. This announcement put the "paper viewer" at a distinct disadvantage. He knew that I was aware of his cheating. He boldly said just before the verbal quiz started, "Give me an answer to a possible question and when the question is asked that matches that answer, I'll speak out the correct answer. To let me know when to reply just reach back in your desk and punch my leg." I immediately saw here was the chance I had been looking for!
I said, "The answer is President James A. Garfield." (You probably see where this is going.) I don't recall the question Mr. Boller asked, but I sure remember that President James A. Garfield was not the correct answer.I tapped his leg and his hand flew up and proclaimed, "President James A. Garfield!" "That's incorrect," said Mr. Boller
I was on the verge of laughing out loud but was able to maintain a muffled composure. When the bell rang I got a few choice four letter words from the Cheater-in-Chief. However, he never again asked me for any answers.
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