Wednesday, July 20, 2011


"Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."--Galatians 6:7 (KJV)

My wife is from Columbus and during our summer visits I would walk to the wonderful softball/baseball complex at the city park.

On this one summer evening, I walked from field to field admiring the teenagers and young adults who played as I once thought I played! I saw the father of a PCHS graduate who was on the mound pitching. After shaking hands, I was introduced to the PCHS alum's new wife. His father sternly admonished me not to call out the graduate's name because he had been brought in as an illegal "ringer" and was playing under an assumed name. This big game was to qualify for the league playoffs.

Instead of leading his "new" team to victory, he gave up hit after hit and run after run. Even the 8,9, &10 hitters from the opposing team had a big league hitting night against the "ringer." I watched the slaughter until the game was stopped because of the "Mercy Run Rule."

Dejectedly, the PCHS graduate walked off the field and into the stands, shook hands, said a few words and he and his family quickly exited, lest his true identity be discovered. 

I think the title of this Post and Bible verse summarizes the entire experience very nicely!

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