Wednesday, June 24, 2015

10 Things To Know Before You Enter An Off-Campus Bookstore

1. If possible, go in the middle of the week. Moms, kids, pseudo intellectuals like Friday night or Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon and evening the DIY crowd shows up. I don't know who goes there on Sundays.

2. Most of the staff are college students or recent grads who could not find a good paying job. They relay on computers to find things. Be patient.

3. Almost all books will someday be paperbacks. Wait if you can.

4. If you order a book through a bookstore always have it shipped to your house. The chances of it getting misplaced in a bookstore are almost 100 percent.

5. Your favorite bookstore will not be there 5 years from now. Amazon and used internet stores will rule the book world. Enjoy an American icon while you can.

6. Unless you are a college student avoid campus bookstores. Most students either rent or buy their books via the good old internet.

7. Magazines, especially specialized ones, can almost always be found in a quality bookstore.

8. Most quality bookstores are out of the "Girlie" magazine business. The Internet is changing everything. One-third of all Internet sites are porn sites! (I read recently the many homemade and amateur porn vids are hurting the high dollar, low class, Hollywood type porn sites. An anti-porn site says that by age 30 the girls wear diapers, have had at least 1 STD and will have at less one unwanted pregnancy, most have to work as strippers or call girls to make ends meet.)

9. Ditto the traditional "Marriage Manuals." Today's generation knows more about sex than any previous generation.(Personal observation---the joy of discovery and excitement in starting a marriage is gone for many. I cannot stop now---most surveys reveal that a male, when he weds or enters a committed relationship has had 6 or more sexual encounters. For females more than 4 such encounters. Some experts report many males may brag too much and females under report their encounters.  ) There are about an equal number of unwed homes as traditional marriages. * See below for additional comments.

10. An old fashion public library card is too valuable to waste.

*Here goes another sermon. Human sexuality is part of God's creation for continuing the human race and for the fulfillment of both men and women in marriage. Here's breaking news for some--God is in favor of sex---within the bounds of marriage. Here's the irony of today. More sexual abuse, child porn, abortions, more broken homes, and more destroyed lives as a result of sex outside of marriage. Here's the Good News---Jesus had a lot to say about the restoration of lives that were train wrecked  by sex outside of marriage. Remember---Failure is never final for people who turn to Jesus. OK. That's it!  

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday

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