Thursday, June 25, 2015

Coral Ridge Church Sex Scandal

Critics of my second Post on this subject need to hang on, more might follow. Some readers might say: "So what? Who cares?" Here's why this is so very important: (All information cited is from major Internet and print media sources.)

1. The truth and motivation is confused at best and maybe far from the truth. Already an, He said--She said, atmosphere surrounds this THIRD sex scandal in and around the Coral Ridge,FL in just a few  years. All involved churches and church leadership. Coincidence? Maybe? Any church scandal impacts the entire body of Christ.

2. One of the pastors who is fighting his termination centers around his demand for a $500,000 Golden Parachute. Admitted immoral failure apparently comes with a price tag to ease the pastor's pain and suffering. A big church might just do it to avoid litigation. 

3. The latest pastor admitting moral failure (adultery) cited his wife's own confession of adultery while her pastor husband was away. This resulted in separation. Boys and Girls it gets even worse. Wife leaves and the lonely pastor finds comfort and shared bed with another woman. The partners of the pastor and wife have not been publicly named. Why is that important? There may be other church members involved and the adultery of a pastor and wife just might be an indication of larger church systemic problems.

4. The latest pastor has asked for privacy. It was privacy that got the pastor and wife into adultery. I seriously doubt this relationship can be put back together. However, God does the impossible. 

5. Lastly (for now) , I have not used names to preclude the curious
random Internet surfer from stumbling on to the Blog. I have this sickening feeling, Coral Ridge will soon become a national evening news location.

Pray for this sordid situation and our great nation.

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday  

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