Monday, June 22, 2015


The following has been sent to the Shawnee News- Star. As most readers of this Blog know---I have great passion for this nation. If you share the beliefs expressed---give it wide dissemination. Time maybe running out. I had rather be labeled a crackpot than make no attempt to make some changes.

                                  “Earth Calling Washington” 
This once great nation is committing suicide on the installment plan. Our nonexistent Southern Border is hardly breaking news. One political party gets cheap labor and the other gets cheap votes. Mexico has an unending cheap supply to make both major parties very, very happy.  Let the next shift worry about the national security implications!

Truth in Washington has taken more than a three hour cruise on the Minnow.  It is shipwrecked on Gilligan’s Island. We may never hear from Truth again in political campaigns, administration of the public purse strings, laws that are made and interpreted on the basis of the Constitution, health care, education, main stream media that is honest and not simply a house organ for one political party. support  to long-standing allies, and most of all: National Security. Any nation that cannot defend itself or project its might worldwide is living on broken life support.

It is hardly breaking news that our last Space Shuttle mission was flown in July 2011. American astronauts now bum rides on the Russian Soyuz space capsule to get to and from the International Space Station. Supplies get to the ISS via a network of foreign space vehicles and US commercial efforts.  An American replacement for the Shuttle is planned for 2025. Our once reputable US space program has fallen to such a low point that some Russian scientists are now proclaiming they can prove we never went to the moon!

USA Today reported in their June 22, 2015 issue that because of drastic reductions in our naval vessels, the Department of Defense is looking at sending our US Marines to hot spots in Africa and the Middle East via foreign ships! “Earth calling the DOD: Has everyone in Washington gone nuts?” 

May Almighty God Save Us From Ourselves.

Glenn C. Peck, (USAF, ret.)
Shawnee, OK

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