Thursday, June 25, 2015

Pick Up Lines in the 1950's

Discretion being the importance of valor, I must decline to say why this line was pulled from the bottom file drawer of my memory over 50 years after it being used. OK. You asked for it. A guy says this to a girl he has just met for the very first time, hopefully where he is not known.

               "Marry me and take me away from all of this!"

There are several possible responses:

1. She says, "Are you nuts? I don't even know you."
    He says, "Your beauty so overwhelmed me I just wanted to get my name on you preferred dating list."

2. She says, "God does answer prayer. I must go home and tell Mom to dust off the Hope Chest."
    He says, "If Mom is as pretty as you, better let her get her beauty rest." 

3. She says, "I've got 17 bucks in my Christmas Savings Account. Do you think we can start a life together on that?"
    He says, "I just knew you were a caring and compassionate girl when I first saw you. Always thinking of others. Give me the money and I'll get something nice for you at the  5 & 10 Cents Store.!"

4. She says, "Hey, that's a super duper idea. My steady boy friend will be over soon and his Dad is a minister. He'll get us a cut-rate wedding!"
    He says, "Until he comes over, I'll be down at the Gulf gas station jumping up and down on the car alert cable. Got to watch MM Club Today--Annette has a new sweater!"

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday

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