Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Affairs of Pastors

I take no joy is this Post. In fact, it was the sad situation in Coral Ridge, FL that has prompted this action. I guess very few pastors ever read this Blog; however, sexual temptation is a human problem. Maybe the URL below will help someone. Someone who is closest to abandoning their vows to their spouse and Almighty God! 


I have always insisted on a glass window being made in my office door. A women must always either be in the office when counseling another woman or just outside the door.

In seminary we were advised to never hug a girl over 4 or a woman under 90! This is super advice but totally impractical. Woman, and men, during great grief, physical, or spiritual hurts  need a human touch to let them know they are not alone.

For The Record: In 34 years of ordained Gospel ministry I have hugged several hundred children, women and men. In only two cases did I ever perceive the women had sinful intentions that went way behind my friendly hug. God provided a way of escape! 

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday

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