Monday, October 12, 2015


            V2.0 ADDED MATERIAL IN RED

During a 20 year USAF career I served with many outstanding men and women. I also worked on some assignments with members of our sister services.

The Navy and Marine officers were first class in every regard. Most of the Army officers were very good. However, two are the subject of this Post. Why am I doing this? (1) Their brash unprofessional behavior needs to be a matter of public record---yes, they are all out of the Army, maybe dead for all I know. However, it is never too late to expose error. And (2) to leave this life with one less item to regret.

Enter Colonel Number 1: While pursing a Master's degree at Western Ky University I was the only USAF officer on campus. I did take some classes that had some of the young Army officers from the local Army ROTC Unit in my classes. Apparently, the Army permitted officers without a Master's degree to teach in the Army ROTC program. Not so in the Air Force---that's why I was in the Master's program. I went on to teach at the University of KY.

For what ever reason the young officers told their boss---an Army 0-6---about me. Maybe it was because I was not required to wear a uniform and they were. Watch out for falling vanity---maybe, just maybe it was because the Army officers were always chasing me on the test reports. The Colonel relayed to me through the young officers he expected me to report to him while I was on campus! This brings up a point that seems to verify the Army's way of doing business. Trust no one and control everything!

I told the young officers I had no requirement to report to anyone on campus---save my major professor and would not be coming to see their Colonel. Pretty bold for a Captain, but hey, Air Force officers know the rules and protocols. The matter died and life went on. In fact, I never even learned his name.

Enter Lt Colonel Number 2: This is a much more serious matter. While serving in a top DOD Army-Air Force Joint Operations Group in Shemya, Alaska for six-months I reported to an Army Lt Colonel who was commander of the AAFJOG. I had many job titles---one was Officer in Charge of the communications center where all in and out official operations traffic was processed. The Army Lt. Colonel announced he wanted to see all traffic through my facility. "No can do Colonel---you don't have a need to know." Needless to say my life was unpleasant for 6 months.

During a rare down time moment he asked why I put so much trust in my Sgts? Simple---they do the work  and I get them the resources and get out of their way and they get the job done. He attempted to make a counterpoint by saying Sgts did not know anything and could not be trusted otherwise they would not be Sgts!!! I regret not having a tape recorder---this Army Lt. Colonel would be the Colonel of the Urinal!

An additional event at Shemya bears inclusion: On a particular day units changed head gear into the bulky, warmer winter hats. All units, except the Army, merely told their members to show up with the winter hat on the effective date for the change. Not the Army. They had an official hat changing ceremony: At the Lt. Colonel's command, the lighter weight hats were removed and the warmer hats put on. The rest of the 1000 plus people on the island thought this to be very, very silly. It is included here because I think it illustrates the Lt. Colonel's lack of trust in his subordinates! Man, I sure was glad when the commander position changed back to the Air Force.

OK, God has forgiven me and I hope you will as well. Send your bright young grandchildren to the Air Force and let them Aim High !!!!

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday

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