Saturday, June 18, 2016


1. At its best, it is an enabling support of an administration policy that threatens the very existence of our nation. No national security--no religious freedom!
2. The Resolution was artfully and skillfully drawn to give the appearance of separating Refugees from Illegal Immigration. However, the results are the same:
        a. Enhancing one political party at the expense of the other.
        b. No mention is made of giving assistance to the miniscule number of "Christian" refugees allowed by this administration.
        c. No mention is made of the Biblical mandate to visit the ballooning number of Refugees and Illegals in our prisons.
         d. No mention is made of providing care and assistance to families that have had loved ones killed, maimed, raped, assaulted, or discriminated against as a result of the Refugees and Illegals.
          e. No mention is made of the absolute need of Assimilation in a culture that is focused on Eradication.
           f. No mention is made of the "dumping of refugees" into states and cities that are viewed as opponents to this administration. Witness the dumping of 5,000 Syrians on Bowling Green, Ky---the home of Rand Paul.
           g. No mention is made of the SBC supporting legal immigration within the context of existing laws and regulations.
            h. Scriptures that discuss God's punishment upon nation's that compromise with evil are not mentioned.


1. No National Security---no religious freedom
2. No U.S. Constitution---no religious freedom
3. Mosques here, and elsewhere, are often seedbeds for terrorism. Mosques investigations have been declared off-limits by this administration 
4. Refugees and "Undocumented Workers" will forever change the U.S. political landscape. The issue of Refugee settlement does not pass the smell test--Witness the dumping of 5,000 Syrian Refugees on Bowling Green, KY, the home of Rand Paul
5. Many states and cities are near a financial meltdown as a result of providing an ever expanding range of social services to Refugees and "Undocumented Workers"
6. For better or worse--Refugees and Immigration ARE the main issue in this presidential campaign
7. Correctly or incorrectly---Many, perhaps most, Americans associate the very terms Refugees and Immigration with one political party
8. Correctly or incorrectly---The SBC Resolution gives the distinct impression of supporting one political party over another
9. Many, if not most, SBC pastors have repeatedly urged members to register and vote
10. Scriptures cited in the SBC Resolution selectively omit mentioning visiting Refugees in our prisons as a result of violent crimes of murder, maiming, sexual assault,  and actions associated with gangs
11. Scriptures dealing with building of walls of protection, commands against compromising with evil nations, and not to be "unequally yoked" are nowhere referenced  
12. Without the need for specific comment, the impression suggests Southern Baptist are encouraged to support one party over another
13. Mounting evidence suggests the old cliché "Where you stand depends on where you sit!" may well be applied to Russell Moore, major sponsor of the SBC Resolution, who has his office in Washington, D.C.

A Fence or an Ambulance
by Joseph Malins (1895)
-a poem about prevention -

'Twas a dangerous cliff, as they freely confessed,
though to walk near its crest was so pleasant;
but over its terrible edge there had slipped
a duke and full many a peasant.

So the people said something would have to be done,
but their projects did not at all tally;
some said, 'Put a fence 'round the edge of the cliff, '
some, 'An ambulance down in the valley.'

But the cry for the ambulance carried the day,
for it spread through the neighboring city;
a fence may be useful or not, it is true,
but each heart became full of pity
for those who slipped over the dangerous cliff;

And the dwellers in highway and alley
gave pounds and gave pence, not to put up a fence,
but an ambulance down in the valley.

'For the cliff is all right, if your careful, ' they said,
'and if folks even slip and are dropping,
it isn't the slipping that hurts them so much
as the shock down below when they're stopping.'

So day after day, as these mishaps occurred,
quick forth would those rescuers sally
to pick up the victims who fell off the cliff,
with their ambulance down in the valley.

Then an old sage remarked: 'It's a marvel to me
that people give far more attention
to repairing results than to stopping the cause,
when they'd much better aim at prevention.

Let us stop at its source all this mischief, ' cried he,
'come, neighbors and friends, let us rally;
if the cliff we will fence, we might almost dispense
with the ambulance down in the valley.'

Part II by Herbert Nehrlich

So the townspeople met at the top of the cliff
where the workmen put up a strong fence,
woven wire and posts that were hardy and stiff
and they lauded each other's good sense.

For a week the fence stood and no ambulance came
then one morning they woke up to see
that the fence had been cut from the cliff to the tree
in the valley they stood with their shame.

Said a voice from the sky, and they knew it was God
'if you keep people healthy at all
there are forces objecting as they find it quite odd
when no earls and no peasants do fall.'

And instead of a fence on the edge of the cliff
they had placed at the bottom a pool,
where they'd land in the water, not ending up stiff
but each victim was seen as a fool.

And to face their disease that had caused the neglect
they would get a big bucket of pills,
though the cost of it all would not nearly reflect
that they'd taken the fence from the hills.

But the pharmacist said 'it's the minds of all men
they are missing the atoms of dope',
and that medicine taken again and again
was the modern way's spirit of hope.

The old sage who had said that the fence should be built
then spoke up, from the cliff near the edge
but the white coated doc said it must be the guilt
and he gave to the people this pledge.

'You will no longer be in the danger to fall
from the cliff, neither earl nor a peasant,
as the ordinance says that the citizens, all
won't be wandering near any crescent.'

And the sage on the edge while addressing the town
said they're neither your neighbour nor friend.
Both the doc and his buddy then pushed the man down,
off the cliff. Thus the story does end.

A Fence or an Ambulance
by Joseph Malins (1895)
-a poem about prevention -

'Twas a dangerous cliff, as they freely confessed,
though to walk near its crest was so pleasant;
but over its terrible edge there had slipped
a duke and full many a peasant.

So the people said something would have to be done,
but their projects did not at all tally;
some said, 'Put a fence 'round the edge of the cliff, '
some, 'An ambulance down in the valley.'

But the cry for the ambulance carried the day,
for it spread through the neighboring city;
a fence may be useful or not, it is true,
but each heart became full of pity
for those who slipped over the dangerous cliff;

And the dwellers in highway and alley
gave pounds and gave pence, not to put up a fence,
but an ambulance down in the valley.

'For the cliff is all right, if your careful, ' they said,
'and if folks even slip and are dropping,
it isn't the slipping that hurts them so much
as the shock down below when they're stopping.'

So day after day, as these mishaps occurred,
quick forth would those rescuers sally
to pick up the victims who fell off the cliff,
with their ambulance down in the valley.

Then an old sage remarked: 'It's a marvel to me
that people give far more attention
to repairing results than to stopping the cause,
when they'd much better aim at prevention.

Let us stop at its source all this mischief, ' cried he,
'come, neighbors and friends, let us rally;
if the cliff we will fence, we might almost dispense
with the ambulance down in the valley.'

Part II by Herbert Nehrlich

So the townspeople met at the top of the cliff
where the workmen put up a strong fence,
woven wire and posts that were hardy and stiff
and they lauded each other's good sense.

For a week the fence stood and no ambulance came
then one morning they woke up to see
that the fence had been cut from the cliff to the tree
in the valley they stood with their shame.

Said a voice from the sky, and they knew it was God
'if you keep people healthy at all
there are forces objecting as they find it quite odd
when no earls and no peasants do fall.'

And instead of a fence on the edge of the cliff
they had placed at the bottom a pool,
where they'd land in the water, not ending up stiff
but each victim was seen as a fool.

And to face their disease that had caused the neglect
they would get a big bucket of pills,
though the cost of it all would not nearly reflect
that they'd taken the fence from the hills.

But the pharmacist said 'it's the minds of all men
they are missing the atoms of dope',
and that medicine taken again and again
was the modern way's spirit of hope.

The old sage who had said that the fence should be built
then spoke up, from the cliff near the edge
but the white coated doc said it must be the guilt
and he gave to the people this pledge.

'You will no longer be in the danger to fall
from the cliff, neither earl nor a peasant,
as the ordinance says that the citizens, all
won't be wandering near any crescent.'

And the sage on the edge while addressing the town
said they're neither your neighbour nor friend.
Both the doc and his buddy then pushed the man down,
off the cliff. Thus the story does end.

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